Friday, April 10, 2020

Trying to Understand the Anatomy of a Two-Millimeter Fly

I took a series of micrographs of a fly I found dead on the bathroom sink. The fly is not transparent so it's hard to get the details beyond the outline visible in the light microscope. I have to use a dark field technique with top stage lighting. I'm not very good with the microscope yet so getting these to work is hard for me. Then I have to try to figure out what I'm taking pictures of. In some parts of the fly it's not obvious.

The fly itself, taken with my digital microscope, is the first image . Then come higher magnification images that I try to identify with labels.

You can see that the fly is a little beat up in the slide--probably from carrying it to mount it.
Here are the micrographs.
a mysterious tube like protrusion on the thorax

 probably the antenna


 part of the antenna resting on the slide

 leg joint

 another leg joint

another picture of the wing

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